Find the best routes using bike-sharing systems in the whole world

Get Started

It is all about real-time information calculates a route using the best bicycle stations considering real-time information of how many bicycles and free bicycle stands are available in more than 657 cities in 53 countries. It is free and available for your browser, Android, iPhone and iPad.

Always a slot to park

Just ride and let find the appropriate stations. If during your trajectory the destination station got full, Android App redirects you to another station close to the destination with empty slots so you can park your bicycle.

Enjoyable Bike-sharing! aims to guide you from where you are to where you want to go by avoiding the annoying feeling of going to a bicycle station and not finding free bicycles, or after getting a bicycle not having a free slot to park it nearby your destination.

All over the world ...

... and in your country too

From France to Kazakhstan, from Japan to Brazil, from United States to Sweden, from Georgia to Australia, from Mexico to Germany, and way more. A common place to guide your Bike-sharing rides,